Thursday, 6 February 2020

Music & Sound For The Moving Image - Task 1 Terminology

The audio track for movies consists of a range of different elements:-

Production Sound

This is audio recorded live during filming, and consists of:-

Production Dialogue - talking recorded during filming

Production Sound - all other effects and ambience recorded during filming

As this can be unpredictable it is not always used in the final edit. For example if actors are running and out of breath dialogue is hard to understand, so this is often replaced. Some directors however like to try and use production sound for realism.

Post Production Sound

This is audio that is recorded after filming and synchronised with the video, either to accompany the production sound or to replace it. This consists of:-

ADR - Automatic Dialogue Replacement - This is where actors re-record their dialogue (talking) to make it more audible and clear, and it is then synchronised very carefully with the video, so it looks like the original voices.

Foley Effects - This is where sound effects are recorded and added to enhance what is happening on screen. This could be real sounds that are recorded and added (door slams, footsteps etc) or just replacement sounds to enhance the onscreen action (dramatic punches, or people chopping vegetables to sound like people being stabbed etc)

These two things can be split in to two seperate categories

Diegetic (pronounced die-eh-jetic) - These are sounds that match up with something that is visible on screen. For example actors talking, real life sounds for objects and things that are shown on screen like cars, doors etc

Non-diegetic - These are sounds for implied things that are out of shot. This could be for example footsteps for someone who is about to appear on screen, a narrators voice, a car engine driving away out of shot.

Sound effects are often enhanced with sub-text sounds, to make them more dramatic. For example a fight scene might have realistic sounds of people being hit, with a sub text track of more bass frequency sounds added to make it sound more dramatic, with a possible further track of additional sounds added to enhance it even further.

Please watch the video link below and then re-read this information so it makes more sense. Then provide information for all of these categories when analysing your own clips for task 1

Soundworks Collection - The Sound Of Inception