Wednesday 22 May 2019

Examples of Task 1 - Music for Moving Image

With most horror films, including this one, intense music is usually presented throughout. This is because intense music causes a lot of suspense, anxiety, and anxiousness. Which is exactly how these type of films aim for you to feel. This is because they want you to feel involved as if you are actually there. If you jumped at any part of the trailer then you definitely are getting the full effect from the music.
If horror films didn't use intense music  and used for instance, joyful music, then the audience would be confused on the whole experience because the music isn't matching with what they are seeing. The whole point of the music for moving image is for the music to emphasise what you are seeing to set the scene. This is why the music is so important.

The trailer uses both diegetic sounds and non diegetic sounds. 
An example of a non diegetic sound used in the trailer is at 0.11 seconds where joyful and reminisce-ful music is played over a series of clips of teenagers that graduate, explore the world, meet new people, etc. This is effective because it has the audience thinking back to the proud and happy moment you get when you graduate school, and move on, meeting new people, doing new things, learning about yourself, etc. Since it is a stage that everyone will get to go through in life. It's something everyone can relate on. The music helps thinks of how happiness that moment brings.

Also at 1.35, the intense and dramatic sound effects used aren't heard by the characters. They are heard by the audience for effect. The sound effects tell us that something is wrong and something going to happen. The sound effects reflect how scared the characters are which in turn, the audience will have the same effect. Fear.

An example of a diegetic sound used in the trailer is at 1.16, where the skype notication goes off. This is realistic because in reality, the very same ringtone goes off when you have a skype message. So this being a familiar sound to some if not most, definitely involves them and holds an effect on them.


Iron man is an example of a real life action movie.There is no dialogue used in this clip. Which I found was effective because it just helped the viewers to focus on the suit and feel tense for when Iron man or assistant would say, "I'm ready." To go and it also helps the viewer feel gripped to the screen as it kept you one your feet to keep watching and it made you want to find out what was going to happen next. But on the other hand because the foley effects of his suit being put on aren't effective, I thought that it needed something adding to try and layer the sound. Having dialogue would be effective for example narration would really help tell the audience what the character is feeling so help the viewer understand what is going on in further detail. I think the foley effects of Iron man putting on his suite should've been stronger and therefore it wasn't effective because it's a big metal suit that is mean to protect him from think like, bombs, guns and enemies and the suit doesn't sound strong enough. It would help enhance him and make him a more powerful character. The no diagetic atmospheric sounds become more prominent as each piece of his suit is put on. This is effective because it shows a more electrical complex to his suit as more pieces are added. This is effective for the viewer because it adds more depth to his suit but also makes the viewer feel more enticed to watch as it enhances the mood. There has music been added and becomes more prominent as the clip is played, This is effective because it helps develop the clip as he put more of his suit on it gets louder and the bass of the music increases and therefore representing power and a finished product. It is also effective, as the foley effects aren't very strong sounding it really adds to the scene and adds that layer that is needed. The music is effective because it makes the viewer feel like he is ready to fight feel warmed to the situations that he was ready to fight.


The visual element is staged and is filmed on a set to create this advert. There is no dialogue that has been used in this clip. As the music was meant to tell the sound and what is going on through the lyrics.The foley effect of the boy playing his game at the start is effective because it is realistic and is lowered as the little girl is looking through the telescope. This is diagetic sound and is effective because it unconsciously stick in the viewers head as they will still think it's playing at full volume.There is no atmospheric sound in space, this is because it makes it more realistic and you can't hear anything in space.This is the John Lewis advert from 2015 advert, which is a remake of a very successful song called, "Half the world away" by Oasis. This is effective because it was originally written by a famous Manchester band and was released in 1944, this is an advantage as they're a popular band and it also allows the audience to relate the song to the advert and it's a very good sales technique for John Lewis. It is also a way the original artist generating profit through PRS and it may also help Oasis increase their fan base. The msuic is used to set the mood and atmosphere.


In this scene from the film Pulp Fiction there is barely any background noise and there is no use of music. I feel this scene does this to give it a sense of realism as we wouldn't hear any sort of dramatic music in a real life situation like this. It also gives the scene tension as there are no build up sections meaning that nothing is predictable almost like real life. The gun shots in this film are uses of foley as they would have been added after the filming of the scene. I feel that the gun shots are a bad use of foley as they sound and look out of sync with the action that is taking place on screen. This leads it to sound fake and doesn't give you the feeling that it is a real gun shot that is been heard. The gun shot is a diegetic sound as we can see it happening on screen. The sound of the table flipping I think is a use of foley. I think this as the camera angle changes and it would have been a hard to get a good noise from that. I think they added it in after production to make it stand out as it is at this point that the mood is slowly changing. I also think it was added to foreshadow the danger that will appear later in the scene. The dialogue through out this scene again has a echo to it which would suggest that the audio is from the production audio and it hasn't been overdubbed. I also think this as when the actor is whimpering it isn't loud as the boom mic would have been from a distance. You also can't hear any of the actors mouth movements which would also suggest that it is the production sound. As the scene gets more tense the whimpering does get louder this also look and sound out of sync with the actor. This would suggest that these noise would have been added after production. These sounds are still diegetic as we can see and imagine we would hear people whimpering.

Snake Strikes Back (Action)
This is scene from snake strikes back is live action. The footsteps heard at the start of the scene are most likely to be uses of foley. I think this as they appear loud in the open environment they are in. The dialogue through out this scene has been quite clearly overdubbed. We can see this as the words being spoken do not match whats being said by the actors. This is an example of poor editing and overdubbing. The music which is being played through out the fight scene is non diegetic as we wouldn't hear or imagine that it would be present in a situation like that. The music we hear is upbeat and lively. I think this music has been chosen as it fits well with what is happening on scene. The fighting is fast and has a comedic value to it which fits well with the music heard. This works as the music isn't very serious like the fighting. The punching noises are uses of foley as they would have been added after production. This is clear as they aren't very realistic sounding and some of the noise are to late or early for the action taking place on screen. The punching and kicking noises will have been added after production to add a sense of excitement to the scene. This will have been done to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. This scene doesn't really have any atmospheric noises which is why I fell as so its missing something. I feel as so it is missing somethings as with out any atmospheric noises the scene feels as so it has no mood.