Tuesday 13 February 2018

Unit 19 - Music & Society Task 1 Classroom Notes

What is Emotion?

How do human beings express emotion?

How many emotions are there?

How do we articulate emotions?

What is the point of music?

Music has many different functions

What is it an indicator of? Used widely in the animal kingdom to express emotions

First instruments discovered to be 40,000 years old – just think how long ago that was

Music is an amazing way of expressing emotion and feeling

Introduction to Task 1 –

Write a short summary:

What is music?
Why is it important?
How long has it been around for?
Is it good at allowing us to express ourselves?
List as many functions of music as you can think of
Call to prayer/political/propaganda/vocalise difficult messages/make money/entertainment/work songs/identity/rituals/celebration/enhance emotion/set the tone

Historically it was used to pass information down through generations before literacy was common – why is it good for this? Folk Music Definition “music that originates in traditional popular culture, typically of unknown authorship and transmitted orally from generation to generation (much like a pop hook or earworm)

Examples - Historical

Religion – used music a lot to ‘set the tone’ of ceremonies, keep people respectful and in fear of god, as a method celebration and mourning and historically often peoples only exposure to music - Gregorian Chant/Organa/Gospel

Traditional Folk - Diggers Song/English Civil War - passing on messages before literacy was commonplace

Ceremonial - Wedding/Funeral/Coronation/Last Post - designed to add gravitas and emotion to the ceremony


Entertainment – Dancing/Comedy/Accompany moving image to add emotion and feeling – express love, sadness, happiness, covers all of the emotions

Look at Opera (late 19th Century)/Variety and Music Hall/Gilbert & Sullivan

Comedy Music - Variety & Music Hall/Morecamble & Wise/Two Ronnies/Flight Of The Conchords/Mighty Boosh/Bill Bailey/Reggie Watts

Dance Music - 1950s Jazz/Northern Soul/Rave Music


Folk music evolved in modern times to be used as a way of telling difficult stories, or commenting on the status quo, or as a protest


As with most art forms it has an element of advancing what is seen as normal – this is often called the Avant-garde (cutting edge) and is used to move the boundaries of what is accepted as mainstream culture – as the goalposts shift what was seen as extreme becomes normal, and Performance Artist of the avant-garde look for new extremes they can adapt and work with


Youth Culture and expression of identity harks back to tribal culture - it is a big part of each generation creating their own forms of expression, maybe as a rebellion against the previous generation