Thursday 27 June 2019

Polaris Duo Workshop Preparation

The workshops will be an opportunity to try something new in music and to connect this with the project theme of Borders, and how and when to cross them.

Have a think about the theme of Borders and what it means to you - write down some ideas connected with this. This could be any borders - geographical, personal, mental etc

Have a read through these articles

People Dying Crossing Borders 

Borders, Boundaries & Edges

The workshops will be an opportunity to try something new in music and to connect this with the project theme of Borders, and how and when to cross them.

1 What will you do new in these areas: Improvisation - Experimental Performance/Composition - Breaking Boundaries?

2 Thinking about borders, what connects the different kinds of borders we encounter every day? 

3 Check out the project webpage and investigate some of the topics on there: e.g. look into the composers' pieces on the Graphic Score diagram, look up the position of Division Bridge on the Ordnance Survey link and any other border-related locations that interest you, add some of your own ideas to the Crossing 'mood board' in the 'About the Crossing Project' section.

Bring your instruments and music making devices etc. to the workshops and all your ideas and enthusiasm!