Tuesday 20 November 2018

BTEC 90 Credit Diploma - Track Creation Task - Deadline Tuesday 4th December 2018

In the commercial world of music production many businesses, advertising agencies and radio stations often pay people to re-create tracks in a particular style that can be used without having to pay for licensing, or creating copyright issues. 

For this task I would like you to recreate something commercial that you like

I would like you to choose a song - this can be anything, favourite band, favourite track at the moment, something old, something new - and make a track that is representative of it.

It should contain similar instrumentation, be in the same genre, have the same feel and same style, but should not be a direct copy of it.

Please remember all of the analysis techniques we have looked at previously - tempo/structure/instrumentation etc - and make sure you analyse your chosen track thoroughly so that your re-make is close to the sound of the original. 

You should make use of a range of compositional techniques - MIDI/Apple Loops/Recordings/Software Instruments etc - and you should also make sure the track is well mixed. Feel free to use the recording studio to record any parts that are needed. 

Please create a google document in your Google Drive Logic folder to document the process from start to finish. This should include screenshots, an analysis of the original track, and information on any techniques you have used to create your homage. 

I will allow some lesson time for this task, but expect you to spend an equal amount of time during study periods to work on your project. You will then have 5 minutes to present your final mixed version to the rest of the class, summarising and explaining your approach and evaluating your success.

Good Luck!