Monday 24 September 2018

Unit 39 - The Sound & Music Industry - Task 1 Guidance

Sound & Music Industry Task 1

Please make sure you include the following information about each area

Give a brief overview – what is it for? Why does it exist?

Explain the process – for example, how do record labels find artists, develop them and create and sell a product?

Briefly describe any associated job roles that contribute to this process

Can you provide an alternative process – for example major record labels vs indie record labels? Up and coming v established band management etc.

How does the alternative differ? What advantages and disadvantages of each model are there?

By researching can you find out how the area has changed over the last 50 years. What will happen in the future? What would you like to see happen?

And finally what connections can you make between the four areas? How do they support or help each other?